Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Nerdist Podcast LIVE

Anyone who has followed the JonnyD Weekly for even two weeks knows how excited I was to find out that the Nerdist Podcast was performing a live show at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis.  People who actually know me have suffered the privilege of hearing about it since I bought my tickets back in November.  For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, Hi, welcome to the JonnyD Weekly.  You may what to skim these first:

The show was awesome!  You will not hear me say otherwise.  Each of the guys started out with a short comedy set: Matt Mira, Jonah Ray, and then Chris Hardwick.  Afterwards they all came out and did a live podcast on the stage, took a few questions and comments, and then set up for a meet and greet after the show.

Meeting someone you’re a fan of is kind of like trying to make an impression on that really cute girl at your school that is way out of your league.  You’re going to try anyways, even though you know you’re going to shame and soil yourself, but that’s hormones for you.  

Friday, March 23, 2012

Star-Struck 1: James Earl Jones

The first, and only celebrity that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting was James Earl Jones.  I had to be….16?...17 years old at the time?

For those of you who do not know who James Earl Jones is… shame on you.  Moving on…

He was the keynote speaker for a teachers’ convention going on at the Rivercentre in downtown Saint Paul.  Seeing how I come from a family of teachers, I easily found myself sitting in the first ten rows of the auditorium with my sister-in-law.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I can say, hands down, that Uncharted is my favorite video game series of all time! 

And here’s why…

Already going into it, I had faith in Naughty Dog to delivery - at the very least - an enjoyable game.  Naughty Dog is a studio that has a committed themselves to one series per console generation.  For the PlayStation 1, they only made Crash Bandicoot games.  For the PlayStation 2, it was Jak and Daxter.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Beware the Tooth Fairy


For some reason, the last thing I still believed in as a kid was the Tooth Fairy.  I understood how Santa worked, but for the life of me I could not understand how my mom could possibly steal the tooth from under my pillow without waking me up.  There’s no way.  It had to be some mystical creature.

I was determined to catch this babe... or my mom, I guess... in action and put this whole matter to rest once and for all!

The next time I lost a tooth, I gave myself a pep talk, telling myself that I was only going to be a light sleeper that night.  Ha ha ha…that didn’t work.  I sleep through sirens, barking dogs, the alarm going off, the apocalypse, thunderstorms, seismic activity.  It’s amazing I make it to work on time every morning. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

THAT Guy...

*DISCLAIMER:  This post is not directed at any specific person, nor regarding any specific event.  However, if you find this offensive, you might want to ask yourself why you feel that way.

I try not to vent on this blog, because no one likes an irate complainer.  But today, I’m going to be that guy…

Because no one likes someone that needlessly corrects you either! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Monthly Scoop: March 2012

If I had to sum up how I’m feeling right about now, “exhausted” is the word I’d go with.  Physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted.  I’m not really complaining, but the last half of February went by in a drifting haze, where it was hard to wake up with the alarm clock even after eight hours of sleep; at the end of the day I couldn’t account for getting anything done; and instead of midnight, I was ready for bed before my timer-lights clicked off at ten.