Saturday, December 24, 2011

Smurf 'Srooms

Who remembers the Smurfs?!  Little blue guys.  Lived in a mushroom village?  Sang that “La. La. La la. La. La. / La. la La. La la…” song.

What was that show even about? 

I’ve thought about it for awhile now, and it doesn’t make sense.  The Smurfs live in their little grove, rarely branching out, just minding their own business.  Meanwhile, in a nearby castle is an evil man named Gargamel, who’s sole purpose in life seems to be to capture, cook, and kill the Smurfs… 

And that’s it.

Why does Gargamel even care about them?  It’s not like they’re infesting his home. 

It also bothers me - as well as it does others - that there is only one girl Smurf.  Stranger yet, Smurfette wasn’t born a Smurf; she was created by Gargamel to infiltrate the Smurf’s village.  That being so, then there weren’t any women in the village to begin with.  Where did all the Smurfs come from?!

I was ready to chalked the whole thing up as a poorly written back-story until I thought about it like this:  We have a loner named Gargamel, who is completely obsessed with finding and capturing all the little blue people that live in the mushrooms.  

Does anybody else get the feeling that it’s all in Gargamel’s head?  Like maybe he’s hallucinating?

I gotta tell ya, all I picture is a man sitting in the middle woods, munching on polka-dot fungus, and saying to himself in a psychedelic haze,

“Whoooooooooooaaaa! There are little blue people living inside the mushrooms…”

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