Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Campground Creeper" - Director's Notes

For the 2013 "48 Hour Film Project: Minneapolis," we created a short movie called, "Campground Creeper."    We had 48 hours from the moment we received the film's criteria to write it, shoot it, edit it, and turn it in. 

 - Genre: Buddy Film
 - Character: Bobby (or Betty) Bulmer, the Farmer / Gardener
 - Prop: A lamp
 - Line of Dialogue: "She told me it's a secret."

According to the rules, the movie had to be between 4-7 minutes long, not including credits.  Unfortunately, the film was originally 47 seconds too long, and I had to cut out a good deal of the ending.

This is that Director's Cut.

Friday, June 20, 2014

"Waterpark!!!" - Director's Notes

Who hasn't been to a water park by the time they're 30-years-old???  That's right, ME.  Well, we fixed that!  My friend Charlie joined my wife and I at the Water Park of America here in the Twin Cities, MN.  Even better - he brought the GoPro!

Check out Water Park of America if you're in, or live in, the area.  Best place to be in the dead of winter.  (Notice the icicles hanging from the tubes.)