Friday, March 8, 2013

The Scoop: March - Behind-the-Scenes

My Bathroom, mid-repair.
I think we're finally up and running, again.  My cars are fixed.  My computer has been replaced.  The replacement has been replaced.  The bathroom has been torn apart and rebuilt.  Assuming nothing else breaks we can move on!

As you may have seen, we put out our first real Behind-the-Scenes video for a movie.  I wanted to save it for something epic, but with how fun the footage for Renaldo was, I figured "what the hell; let's do it now."  Besides, it gives us a practice run before that "something epic" comes about.  Ideally, I'd like to shoot a BTS for every movie, recorded on set with cast and crew, but we haven't gotten that coordinated yet.  Making a movie is the priority.  Documenting it is secondary.

Speaking of Behind-the-Scenes, what is in the works at the studio?