Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Podcasts

To date, I have not had an official JonnyD Weekly fan-mail question or comment.  However, I regularly do get asked, “What podcasts do you listen to?”  So, I figured I’d answer it here.  I listen to three podcasts:

Yet Another Gaming Show

Yet Another Gaming Show is one of many local (Twin Cities) podcasts done by “The Fancy Pants Gangsters.”  It’s a crew of about 4-5 people, depending on the week, that talk about video games. 

It sounds nerdy at first; but what that means is that they spend most of the show talking about the new technology and press announcements put out by large companies such as Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.  Afterwards, they share what games they’re looking forward to playing; as well as what games they have been playing, and how they’re liking them. 

Unfortunately, I’ve fallen behind on YAGS podcasts because in November they started talking about a game called Uncharted 3, which I own, and have not played.  I don’t want anyone ruining it for me, so I have to put the podcast on hold until I beat it.

Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!

“Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!” is NPR’s news quiz game show.  When I hear “NPR,” I immediately assume it’s boring, and I’d have to be retired to be interested in it.  This show, however, is hilarious.  They have a rotating panel of comedians, as well as listeners calling in to try to answer trivia off of the week’s news.  With the GOPs going on, there has been a lot of material to work with.  I get a lot of laughs, but it also keeps me up to date with what’s going on in the world.

The Nerdist

I could easily write a whole blog about the Nerdist, but I won’t.  The main host of the show is Chris Hardwick.  I explain him to people as a guy that’s not really famous, but knows everyone who is.  So he interviews them!  He and his crew - Matt and Jonah - will talk with Rob Zombie one week, Nathan Fillion the next, Bryan Cranston, etc, etc.

The show resonates with me because as I listen to each of these extremely creative and successful people talk about why they do what they do, their self-doubts and their passion, I find I connect with them on a very human level.  I also realize how much I'm wired like them.  And if they can make something of themselves, then the only thing stopping me is myself.

Anyways, the Nerdist is currently doing a comedy/podcast tour around the U.S.  and I have tickets!  :-D


I do like podcasts.  It’s not the same old music I have on my iPod, or the crap that’s on the radio.  Everything is new every time I listen.  New recording.  New information.  New conversations.  Its fresh.

It does mess with my head a little, though.  Disregarding the NPR podcast, I’m basically a silent participant in each podcast crew’s conversations.  I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but the more I listen, the more I get to know these people.  A part of my psyche thinks that if/when I meet any of these people I should just be able to jump into conversation with them.  But then another part of my brain lights up and says, “Hey buddy, I don’t know if this has occurred to you; but they don’t know who the hell you are!”


  1. If you like podcasts you should really check out some of the stuff on twitch.tv, it's like a podcast, but it's video and video game related. One of the people I met in chat over there are going to start our own podcast about pro wrestling. Or something. We haven't ironed out the details yet. :)

    1. I'll have to check it out. As of right now, my three keep me busy. I listen to them at work. Currently, combined, they put out five a week - one for each day. That keeps me pretty well tapped out as is.
