Friday, September 9, 2011

500 Club

Holy crap!  The JonnyD Weekly has had over 500 visits!  And that’s all thanks to you guys.


In case you don’t know who you are, and because I’m a junky for statistics, let me tell you that:

There’s a 14% chance that you’re not from the United States.  You might be from Germany, Canada, India, United Kingdom, China, France, Moldova (look it up.  I had trouble finding it), Australia, Laos, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, or Denmark

10% chance you’re probably just me doing page maintenance.

25%  of you guys are using a mobile device to read this.

Some people have found the blog while searching for other things.  My favorites are:
     “Stay puft marshmallow man”
     “Evil marshmallow guy”
     “Agony over you”
     “Evil crazy guy in straight jacket”
     “And then my friend Chris”

The longest stretch of activity was 30 days.

The most visits in any one day was 26 on August 2nd.  That is thanks to the release of A Little Bit of Muscle, by Stranger Things Studios.

Speaking of which…  Between its two movies, Stanger Things Studios has had over 175 views on YouTube!  YouTube has its own mess of stats that I’m not going to bother getting into. 

I will say though that A Little Bit of Muscle has been banned in Germany!  Due to copyright laws - probably the unauthorized usage of the song “American Woman.”  Sorry, German fans.


Again, thank you all so much for visiting the JonnyD Weekly, be it your first time (“Hello!”) or a regular thing for you (“Hey, welcome back!  Good to see you”).  First starting out, I thought doing this was a silly idea until I caught one of my brother’s reading my latest post during a birthday party.  It always amazes me to find out who’s reading. 

If you want to help out, the biggest thing you can do is to be sure to tell your friends! 

Or, if you have a Google account, you click the “like” button at the bottom of the posts. 

(<< Looks like this) 

As YouTube personality Phillip Defranco would say “Not only does it help out the show, but it let’s me know you care!”

Also, if you have a Google account, you can become a follower by clicking the “Join this site” button near the top right of the page. 

If not, you can subscribe to the newsletter!  You don’t even have to visit the page.  Just enter your email address, and whenever the new post comes out, you’ll get an e-mail with the whole story right there!  If you change your mind later, it’s really easy to unsubscribe.  I know;  I signed up to see what it looks like.  Just click the unsubscribe at the bottom of the e-mail, no harm done.

Bigger. Better.
I am constantly thinking of ways to improve the page - everything from layout, to color scheme, length of the articles, etc.  I’ve tossed a bunch of quick links and blurbs along the right side of the page.  Go ahead and check them out.  If you have any feedback, I’d love to here it.

Also, I now own the domain name  Much easier to remember, and far easier to tell your friends.

Type it in, and you’ll end up here!

1 comment:

  1. Good post today, Jon. Gee, bustin' on your own brother for reading your blog on his iPod. Wonder who that could have been... Hahahaha!
