Friday, January 25, 2013

STS - Rom Com at the Cafe Latte

Rom Com at the Cafe Latte is a Charlie Chaplin style romantic comedy.  

For this - our 9th - film, we wanted to emulate the classic, silent, black and white films that were being made a hundred years ago!  

A HUNDRED years!  Holy crap that's a long time ago. 

Director's Notes

If you're looking to shoot your first movie, I highly recommend a silent film.  There is no noise reduction.  Cropping and trimming in post is simplified.  There is no color correcting.  And most of all, there is no sound whatsoever! 

It makes for a super fun and easy day on the set.  Suffice it to say, if you were to turn the audio track on, you would find none of the dialogue matches up.  Actors are probably cut off mid-sentence.  Much to your amusement, you'd find that the actors were saying whatever the hell they wanted to, that off screen performers were laughing away, and I was standing over the camera, waving people into position and shouting stage directions.

With turning the sound off, we didn't have to worry about any of that!

The fun and simplicity was a much needed relief on my end.  As you may have read in previous posts, my computer crashed.  Because of it, the movie blocked for January has been delayed at least until April.  We needed a replacement, and fast!

2:30am on a Friday morning the idea of a silent film occurred to me while feeding my daughter her bottle half-asleep.  By the time I left work 13 hours later, I had an outline, a location, and a cast.  The script was finished Saturday, along with gathering supplies.  2:00pm Sunday afternoon we started to film.

This was without a doubt the most fun I have had filming to date!!  The improvised banter, exaggerated acting, and the amount of vulgarity that no one will hear in the final product is almost a shame.  Maybe sometime I'll upload a few clips so you can be in on the laughs as well.

Cast Photo (L to R): Paul, John, Lura, Zach, Tom, Caitlin, Tommy, Jon
Photos by Laura Biebl Photography

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