Saturday, September 8, 2012

The No-Shame Six-Pack

After hosting a party, do you ever find yourself in possession of more beer than you’re going to drink anytime soon?  Or worse, beer you don’t even like?  Me, too!  That, good friends, is why I propose the “No-Shame Six-Pack.” 

According to proper party etiquette, if you bring beer to a social event, you are to leave the remainder behind for the host.  People are looked down upon as a stingy if they gather up the last few bottles and take off. 

This is all assuming that you didn’t bring four 12-packs, and most of it goes untouched.  Then, by all means, bring that treasure home with you.  Do, however, leave some for the host.  After all, it’s proper etiquette.

As the host, this can be a burden.  You normally would pick up a neutral beverage for all to enjoy, yet one you would probably forgo for something better.  Add on top of that every person arriving with a 6 to 12 pack of their drink of choice.  Subtract half of everything, and at the end of the night you are left with 3-5 bottles of what you like, a couple that you’ll drink, and a keg’s worth of booze you’ll never touch.

It is also bad etiquette to dump beer.  That’s alcohol abuse.

What do you do with it then?  Host another party?!  You’ll just end up with more of the same:  most of what you’ll drink, gone; and even more of what you won’t, piled up.

No!  You participate in the “No-Shame Six-Pack” system.  After a party, shelf everything you will drink, or wouldn’t mind drinking.  Then, take an empty six-pack cardboard; fill it with a variety of bottles you won’t ever touch. 

Dump the rest.

I know.  Blasphemy.  Keep in mind, though, that much like the Twinkie, beer does have an expiration date.  If you don’t dump it now, it will flatten as it sits on your shelves, taking up space that could be used for other things… say… beer you actually like.

Dump that baggage.  Keep a six pack.  Leave it in the fridge to keep it crisp. Your guests can sample your assortment next time. 

If after that party, you have more bottled crap than you know what to do with, remember that you never have to keep more than six of them in your fridge. 

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