Friday, July 27, 2012


It occurred to me that even though she’s been in our lives for almost a year now, I’ve never talked about Dora.  I think it’s high-time to introduce the lovely lady.

Meet Dora.  Dora is a two-and-a-half year old Rottweiler/Black Lab mix.  Originally from Georgia, she was moved to a shelter up here in Minnesota to get away from the bugs that kept giving her heart worm.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Watch for the Signs

STOP Dinosaurs...?
We’ve all seen the signs.  We all know what they mean.  STOP.  I’m sure no one really looks at them outside of noticing that they’re there.  That’s why the STOP signs at the 4-way stop by the fire department in my town have remained altered.  Hell, I don’t even know how long they’ve been that way.  I’d say vandalized, but that’s too harsh of a word.  “Decorated.”  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Teddy Bears & Voodoo Dolls

"But what do baby bears sleep with?"

What do teddy bears sleep with?  After all,  us humans made teddy bears for us to sleep with.  What did teddy bears cuddle up with when they were little to make themselves feel safe and warm?

I posed this question recently online.  The one response I received that stuck with me was simply put:  Humans.  We sleep with teddy bears, so obviously they are sleeping with us.  I guess that’s simple enough.

I rethought the core of my question.  We humans have fashioned stuff animals to resemble bears so that we can cuddle with them at night as children.  We call them teddy bears.  

So, really what I meant to ask was, “Does that mean that baby bears cuddle with little stuffed animals that resemble humans?”  Maybe they call them "teddy men." 

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Stranger Things Triad

For of the release of Ashes of Man, Stranger Things Studios has been given a whole new look!

I’ve spent the better part of two weeks messing with URLs, fighting with YouTube, designing backgrounds, and formatting pages to transform Stranger Things Studios and the JonnyD Weekly into a three-piece, online entity.

Here’s all the big changes:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monthly Scoop: July 2012

AUGUST 4TH.  That’s the big day, the release date for Ashes of Man!  Mark it down on your calendars.  Clear out a chunk of your evening.  Make sure you’re near a computer.  You want to watch this.  By that date, Ashes of Man will have been eight months in the making.  At last, you’ll be able to see what all World War III, post apocalyptic to-do has been about.