Friday, May 18, 2012

2012 Annual Movie List

Last year I made a biannual list of upcoming movies that I wanted to see.  Yeah… the second half of that biannual thing didn’t happen.  This year, let’s just do an annual list and call it good.  Here are my top ten movies of 2012, for least to most anticipated.

10. Brave - June 22nd

Its Pixar’s latest film.  Fantasy setting, with a Norse feel to it.  The basic synopsis is that “Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom.  Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.” - IMDb


9. Moonrise Kingdom - April 16th

“A pair of young lovers [kids] flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out and find them.” It looks like a doofy comedy.  Edward Norton is a boy scout ranger;  Bruce Willis plays the small town sheriff; and its always nice to see Bill Murray playing a non-serious role.


Steve Carell and Keira Knightley take a road trip to help Steve reunite with his high school sweetheart.  I’m assuming they fall in love with each other instead.  Typical romantic comedy.  What caught my attention is that the whole premise is that an asteroid is going to smash the earth in three weeks.

7. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - December 14th

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit.  Ian McKellen is back as the wizard Gandalf.  Bilbo is played by Martin Freeman, who I love for his role as Arthur Dent in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. 

6. Total Recall - August 3rd

It’s the remake of the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger film.  I watched that movie recently.  It did not age well at all.  This looks a lot better, and more like the Phillip K. Dick story.  It has Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, and Bryan Cranston in it.

5. Ted - July 13th

Marky Mark and a life-size, walking teddy bear voiced by Seth McFarland from Family Guy.

4. The Dark Knight Rises - July 20th

Christopher Nolan’s third installment of the Batman series.  This time Cat Woman and Bane make their appearances.  I've heard a lot of people's skepticism about Anne Hathaway playing cat woman, but Nolan hasn't let me down yet.  I fully trust him on this, even though I don't see it myself.

3. Skyfall - November 9th

The next James Bond film.  Daniel Craig.  That’s all I need to know.

2. G.I Joe: Retaliation - June 29th

Did anyone see that other G.I. Joe that never should have been made?  Let’s just pretend that didn’t happen, and this is the first movie they made.  It looks awesome.  It has the Rock, and Ninjas. How can you go wrong?

And of course, #1...

1. Prometheus - June 8th

I don’t have a good way of describing this movie outside of to say watch the trailer.  Deep space science fiction horror is hard to come by, and this movie looks phenomenal.  My understanding is that Prometheus is a quasi-prequel to the Alien saga.  And just like the original Alien, Ridley Scott is directing this one as well.


The Bourne Legacy didn’t quite make my list.  I’m worn out with the series.  The only thing that’s really drawing me to it is that they’re rebooting the series with Jeremy Reiner. 
I also really want to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer, but then again I really am afraid of vampires.

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