Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monthly Scoop: April 2012

I don’t really have much to say for the Monthly Scoop this time around.

So instead I’ll just leave you with this funny picture.

Just kidding.  April’s fools! 

Now, I’ll tell you what I’m not kidding about:

I’m not kidding that I’m still on a high from having met the Nerdist podcast at the Varsity Theater Friday night!

I’m not kidding that the JonnyD Weekly is sitting just shy off 5000 visits!  I’ve had numerous people (or no one) ask if I’ve planned anything special for the 5000th visit.  The answer is No. (still not kidding).

Not relevant in any way :-P 
I’m also not kidding that I’m hard at work on Stranger Things’ movie, Ashes of Man.  It just  turned out, like everything I do, to be lot more involved than I expected.  I have to wait for the world to green up, and people’s schedules to align to be able to finish the filming.  As for the 80% I had filmed, it is roughly cut into the vague shape of a movie, and is coming together quite well. 

As soon as I have that under control, I will start making a trailer, blooper reels, etc, and start putting them up on the YouTube channel. 

Trust me, I am not kidding when I say I may have to release Ashes of Man in 10 minute segments.  My 12-14 minute movie is currently sitting at over double that!  Oops.

Also - no joke - while I’m waiting for the seasons to change, I want to film more stuff!  Shorter stuff.  I have quicker movies in mind, all of which require green screen technology. 

 Yay, I get to play with green screen!  And when I’m done it’ll look as amazing as this:


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