Sunday, April 8, 2012

The 5G Network

The JonnyD Weekly is now part of the 5G Network!  That’s right, 5000 hits!  That’s a little more than 450 visits a month.  That’s not me doing that.  That’s you guys - anyone who’s ever checked out the page, and everyone who keeps coming back. 

Like always, let’s do some fun stats!


- New audiences include the Philippines, Italy, Indonesia, Brazil, Norway, Ukraine and Libya.

- Not only are Philippines newcomers, but they were the third largest audience in the last month.  Weird.

- Some people found the page from a martial arts website.  Don’t ask me why.  I have no clue.

- More people are using Google Chrome now than Internet Explorer.  1 out of ever 3 people are on Chrome.

- People actually use their PlayStation Portables to surf the web.  Some even come here.

- There is 1 visit that was made with a Blackberry phone.  One.  That’s right.  Someone out there still owns a blackberry.

- The JonnyD Weekly has not gone a day without traffic since October 18th.

 Now What?

I have a lot of goals in mind before we hit 10,000.  Currently, my focus is shifting to expanding my YouTube channel (For more on that check out the April Monthly Scoop).  Any avenue in which I can draw in a bigger audience, the better, right?!  It'd be cool if there would be more questions and comments, but that'll come with more traffic, time, and a bigger audience.  

Ultimately though, my biggest dream goal to reach before hitting 10,000 is to gain someone I don’t know as a fan.  That would be awesome and weird all at the same time.

Why, if I had a dollar every time I got a hit...
Yep, I said it.  Weird is the new awesome.



  1. Congrats!!! Happy Easter!!!

  2. I share your blogs with my friends and they stretch around the world. If you get some from New Zealand or South Africa, they might be some of my pals.

    1. That's awesome. Thanks. I appreciate that. I hope they've enjoyed what they've read!
