Monday, August 8, 2011

Fear Week

I’ve decided to make this week ‘Fear Week.’

Everyone fears something.  Spiders.  Vampires.  Horror films.  Basements.  Campsites at night.  Clowns.  Sounds emanating from the other room.  At the same time, there is certain type of person out there that can brave the bone-chilling horrors with an air of nonchalance. 

I am not that person.

To better understand how my hardened soul works, I have found a segment of dialogue from an anime called “Ouran High School Host Club.”  Good show, by the way.   In the scene, the main character, Haruhi, is pulled into the hallway by the class president, Kazukiyo, because he has a secret he wishes to confide in her.

Haruhi - “You have Nyctophobia?  So you’re afraid of the dark?”

Kazukiyo (or me) - “Yes, and you can add to that Horror-movie-phobia, Scary-ghost-story-phobia, Being-startled-by-a-loud-noise-in-the-other-room-phobia, and Accidentally-seeing-trailers-for-horror-movies-phobia.  And what’s with those things? Why do they keep showing them without warning us about it first?  It just doesn’t make sense to me.  What ever happened to civil rights for the fraidy cats out there?  Cowards are people, too!”

Now that we’re clear about my feelings on the matter, we can move onto my following posts as to what brought the whole matter up this time around.

“What could it possibly be?”

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