Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Scoop: May - 48 Hours & Such

10 sec Film Fesstival, Soap Factory, Downtown Minneapolis, 2012

Even though I've been fairly radio silent on Facebook as of late, don't worry. There's a lot in the works.



Waterpark!!! (last month's movie) has done a lot better than I expected. The city of Eagan's TV station (etv) aired the video for three weeks after its release.

That puts the number of STS videos airing on etv up to three - Rom Com and the Cafe Latte, Minnesota: Winterscapes, and now Waterpark!!! Sadly, I think their run has finally come to an end this last Sunday, as they are no longer on the upcoming schedule.

That just means we need to finish another movie to send them. ;-) With the next one on the docket, I may even try to aim higher - like the Twin Cities public television. We'll have to see.

Fan Base 

Part of the reason I say Waterpark!!! did surprisingly well is that since its release, we've gained almost 100 new Facebook fans, and our YouTube fan base has finally hit double-digits! If you're not a subscribe to our YouTube channel, you definitely should. Any new video we put out will show up in your video feed so you don't have to go searching for it.


48 Hour Film Project: Minneapolis 

Stranger Things Studios signed up for the 48HFP. What that means is that at the end of the month, we will enter into a weekend festival / competition with filmmakers from all over the Twin Cities. On Friday, May 31st, we are given a packet with guidelines for a 4-7 minute movie. From the moment we get that packet, we have 48 hours to write, shoot, edit, and submit a finished film. If we make the deadline, our movie will be judged, and could potentially advance to larger festivals!

That would be awesome, but that's not necessarily the goal. As I keep saying to everyone, I don't expect us to do well, but I expect us to have fun!

10 Second Film Festival 

It was on the STS agenda to participate in the 10 second film festival that the Soap Factory in downtown Minneapolis puts on every year. We've been eagerly wanting to do this for over a year now. I found out about the event last year, but the registration cut-off had already passed. Sadly, we won't be doing it this year either; the Soap Factory is under construction, and has cancelled the event. But maybe we'll make a few 10 second shorts anyways, in the spirit of the idea.

The Gauntlet 

Consider this the first official news regarding the Gauntlet. This movie has become my white whale, but at last Ahab has set out to take down the great beast. We filmed this movie back in early November. Due to bad footage, we had to reshoot some of it again around Thanksgiving. Luckily, winter held out for us. Come New Years, my computer crashed. Then, the replacement computer crash.

However, I never lost the footage, and now that I have finished every other movie that I have filmed thus far, I am now in the midst of cutting the movie. There is a lot of editing to be done - a lot of editing - complete with sci-fi special effects. I do not know how long it will take, and I want to do it right. It will be done when it's done.

That's what I got for ya!

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