Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Podcasts

To date, I have not had an official JonnyD Weekly fan-mail question or comment.  However, I regularly do get asked, “What podcasts do you listen to?”  So, I figured I’d answer it here.  I listen to three podcasts:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bacon 'n' Brains

There’s nothing in Iowa.  Nothing at all.  Iowa is that space between states that someone decided needed a name so we all had something to call it.  Hell, “Iowa” means “sleeping” in the Native American language of the region.  If I could sleep my way through Iowa, I would.  In fact, on road trips, I plan it out so that I’m entering Iowa in the dead of night, and clearing out by the time the sun comes up.  No point in wasting daylight in there.

So don’t bother spending time in Iowa…. unless you go to one of two places.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ashes of Man: Winter Sets

After an intense combat sequence that took a solid 8.5 hours of filming in single-digit temperatures, we have finished filming the winter unit of our movie, Ashes of Man.  It has been quite a ride.  I wish I could tell you guys everything, but there are so many stories.

The first set we filmed was a learning experience for me, let me tell you!  Yes, I’ve made some YouTube films before, but I’ve never really had to work with anyone outside of a few helpers.  This first set was the first time I had to learn to man up and tell people what to do, actually direct them.  I did a bad job; that was to be expected.  Yet, I think I’ve gotten a lot better at this whole thing.

But it all worked out, and we had a good time, and that’s all that matters.  And I've learned a lot, for example:  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Monthly Scoop: February 2012

There is only one thing going on right now; one project I’m working on, have been working on, will be continuing to work on.  Only one.

Filming for the movie has taken up all of my time, so much so that I even missed a weekly post this January.  We film every weekend, one day for sure, sometimes two.  Mid-week some of the team meets for set planning and preparation.  I'm in constant contact with everyone, trying to coordinate cast and crew for the next set.  My nights free I am learning how to  make my new video editing software to work; or learning the ins and outs of the new camera; trying to master crisp, clear audio; running test videos; storyboarding the next shoot, etc.

But it’s the best way to learn to be a director.  Crash and burn.  On the Job Training.  Trail and Error.