That’s when my over-thinking kicked it. “Is that her? Maybe it isn’t her. She must have heard me. I’m pretty sure that’s what she was wearing at work today. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe that isn’t her. Now that I stare at her like a creep, it doesn’t look like her. Should I go up and say ‘hi’? Well, if it's not her, that would be awkward. Maybe I’ll say her name loudly in hopes she looks…and if that’s not her and she looks up anyways, and I’m still staring at her, I’ll feel like an ass. Nah, forget it…
“But wait! What if that is her, but I don’t go say ‘hi,’ and she sees me leave. Then she’ll think I was avoiding her, and I don’t mean to be like that.
“I know! I’ll sit down with Tonya and exaggerate my conversation to catch her attention and then she’ll have to come say hi to me. That puts the pressure on her, not me.”
Yeah, that didn’t work. And yes, that was my coworker. And no, she never noticed that we came in, ordered our drink, sat down a table away from her for half an hour, and left without saying goodbye.
Dammit, I was wearing headphones! You should've come over! This is really funny :)