Both Mystery Longshanks and Cold Man Fusion have been gung-ho about this event from day one. Neither of them can decide which games they’re going to play for the duration of the event. If anything, their biggest problem is that they only have 24 hours.
Blackout, on the other hand… not so much. Don’t get me wrong. She’s committed the event. She’ll be there. But she’s not the biggest video gamer, and she’s not quite sure if she’ll be able to stay awake for the whole thing.
Meanwhile, Mystery and CMF, are practically setting up a fallout shelter. What supplies do we need? Where do we set up the TVs? Who’s on food rotation? Who’s keeping who awake? How many people can be connected to the internet at a time?
Oh yes, their training will be pushed to the max.
And it will be documented. Never fear. I intend to set up a camera, from which, once and hour, a photo will be taken of the war room so that people can see how the Fat Chance Heroes hold up.
Technically, Extra-Life takes place October 15th into the 16th. However, due to schedule conflicts, the Fat Chance Heroes will be participating the following weekend instead:
October 22nd at 8:00am, to October 23rd at 8:00am.
119 dollars
If you would like to support the heroes in the Extra Life charity event, visit their pledge page:
*Note: Extra-Life will only take donations until October 15th.
Extra Life is an annual charity event that started in 2008
in honor a girl named Victoria Enmon, who died of lymphoblastic leukemia. The Sarcastic Gamer Community donated video
games and gifts to keep the girl’s spirits up.
In that same spirit, video gamers participate in the 24 hour Extra Life
event to help raise money for children’s hospitals across the nation.
Visit them at
Find out about their Upcoming Events
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