Friday, July 1, 2011

Late Night Ice Cream Delivery

It’s late at night - ten, eleven, midnight or later.  You’re home, in your PJs, watching a movie, or playing a game with your significant other.  Do you know what suddenly sounds really good right now?  Ice cream!  Oh my god, yes!  That does sound good. 

You run to the fridge like a woman with a pregnant craving - or maybe you are a pregnant woman.  But guess what.  You’re out of ice cream :(

Oh well, just go get some, right?  Hell no!  Who wants to go out?  You’re in your PJs already.  You were winding down for the night.  Ice cream shops are closed already, and you don’t feel like sitting in Perkins for their chocolate chipper Sunday.  You don’t even want to go out to the car.

Wouldn’t it just be nice if someone would go get it for you?  Yeah… but your honey’s at work, or is sitting next to you, as unmotivated as you are.

That’s where my new business comes in - the late night ice cream delivery service.  There are grocery delivery services out there, and pizza deliveries go until at least midnight.  Why isn’t there an ice cream delivery service out there yet?

I’ll start with a location in Dinky Town, Uptown, and Highland - three neighborhoods known for their intellectual diversity, Twin Cities culture, and college population.

First I need a few converted Schwans trucks.  Then, to hire on a team of young, well groomed and semi-formally dressed ice-cream chauffeurs.  Why?  Example: pizza delivery boy - blue and red shirt, hat with a limp bill, look of disdain on his pockmarked face.  No one wants their ice cream in the hands of that guy.

Wouldn’t you rather have your ice cream arrive in the hands of a proper, well mannered and pleasantly dressed individual, especially if the reason you ordered ice cream in the first place was because you are emotionally distressed?  That container of frozen goodness held beneath that charming smile would be the best thing this life could deliver you. 

I think the world needs someone like me to make that happen.