Saturday, October 27, 2012

Stranger Things Have Happened

What a better way to launch Stranger Things Studios’ new YouTube channel than with the namesake video concept that started this all? 

It’s random, it’s nonsensical, it has ninjas, a pirate, and a 52” teddy bear.  The only thing that links it together is the title, “Stranger Things Have Happened.”

Oh, and a guy gets chased down by a monster with a sword.  There’s that, too.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Motorstorm: Duel Drive

It’s Motorstorm in a whole new way!  Two drivers, in a real vehicle, in one of the game’s Pacific Rift tracks.  Of course, Stranger Things Studios would like to thank Sony Entertainment, Motorstorm, and YouTube in advance for letting us use their gameplay footage in the video.


I wanted to play around with using a green screen.  Green screen, more than anything else, opens up so many possibilities in filming.  You can add things in that don’t exist, create backdrops to fantastical worlds, transport stories into space, create starship battles, you name it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monthly Scoop: October 2012

Sooo… how are things?  It’s been awhile.  Almost a month.  I suppose I should explain myself as to why the weekly posts have dwindled as of late.  But that’s why we have the Monthly Scoop - to keep in touch, right?...