Friday, May 27, 2011

Who IS this guy???

We all knew it was only a matter of time before one of these blogs ended up with my name on it.  After having attended a writers’ convention a month or two back it become clear to me that the best way to get my writing out there was to put myself out there as well.

Well, here I am.  Those of you that know me know that the ability to talk incessantly, especially about myself, is not something I struggle with.  For those of you who have no idea who I am - Hi.  I’m Jon.  Let me fill you in:

By age six, I had lost count of how many times I had seen Star Wars or Indiana Jones.  I watched all the behind the scenes footage and everything.  I wanted to know how they did it, how they brought the movie to life.  I’ve always known that I wanted to be a part of that somehow.

My father came to visit once or twice a year, and without fail he brought his camcorder.  My buddies and I always ran off with it - recording things breaking, staged fights, little skits, stop-motion and such.  Eventually we would always decide that we should make a movie.  Guess who got stuck writing the script. 

We never even started filming a movie, but that’s how I started writing.  I tried out acting in high school, as well as set work, but finally settled on just the writing.  I’m now sitting on a B.A. in Creative Writing, two unpublished manuscripts, and a slew of short stories, none of which have succeeded in becoming published.

The thing that sucks about writing is that it is a slow process, and being able to share a completed piece can take years if you’re writing a novel.  However, updating people on my doings (be it writing, or something entirely different. He he he…) is something I can do more regularly; writing short pieces; creating random articles.  You know, creating more interaction with my peeps!

And that is exactly why this blog is here.


  1. Ahaha, Strong Jon! Look what you did! I'm so proud.

    Sincerely, One of Your Peeps. =D

  2. I remember those days when your Dad would come visit. Man, the three of us had big dreams with that camera. I'm glad to see at least one of us stayed true to those dreams. It's great to see everything you've been up to and I am looking forward to reading more.

  3. Thanks Tony. LOL, up until recently I still had the VHS will the slow motion water balloon in the sink. Ah, memories. I'm not sure where that tape went. - JS
