Now, it occurred to me that even though I own the trilogy (yes, trilogy; there are only three of them) I cannot remember the last time I watched them. I know February 2010 I willing jumped into a frozen lake because it sounded like a good idea, and then spent the rest of the day half-conscious on my couch watching the 1977 Star Wars. Before that, I “watched” the whole trilogy in 2007, but I was using it as background noise while I worked on a college art project. But the last time I truly sat down and watched the whole trilogy? It’s been at least five years.
Well, we fixed that. Unfortunately, May the 4th landed on a Wednesday. Boo.
But, May the 14th, was seemed like a good runner-up, landed on a Saturday. Yay!
So we rearranged my living room to make room for more people. Then we made Star Wars cookies, Wookie cookies, blue milk, the whole works. I even hunted down some Colt 45 because Billy Dee Williams was the spokesman for it back in the 80s. Ah, Colt 45. Works every time…
To introduce each movie I prepped a 10-15 minute video reel of the original trailers, 80s commercials, and fan-made Star Wars videos. It was epic.
Maybe next May I’ll be in San Diego at the real Comicon. Otherwise, May the 4th lands on a Friday. Woot woot! Oh, and Star Wars comes out on Blu Ray in September. Save up now!