Monday, April 16, 2012

Fallout Week

Fallout 3 is one of the most revered video games of this console generation.  It is a first-person shooter that takes place decades after World War III has turned the planet into a nuclear wasteland.  Many gamers love the vastness of world because if you’re not careful you can easily dump 70+ hours into the game aimlessly meandering the devastation.  Hell, that’s what I did.

This game showed me just how warped and scarred my moral core is.  Fallout 3 is one of those games that is not linear.  You have choices.  Your words and your actions all have ramifications.  Everything you do changes the outcome of the game.  Knowing this, I determined to play the game as though my character was actually me

So, what would JonnyDStrong do? (WWJDSD?... Hmm, I like it.)

What I found out about myself was both amusing and disturbing…


Here’s one quick example as a teaser of this week’s posts:

I happen across a man at night who is standing perfectly still out in the middle of nowhere.  Upon approaching him, he shouts out in hysterics, “Please, you have to help me!  ‘They’ strapped a bomb to my chest.  I’m going to die!  Oh god, you have to do something.”

I have no expertise in defusing bombs… at all.  In fact, he would live longer if I just left him alone.  Or he could die a more peaceful death if I secretly shot him from a distance after feigning to leave.  However, in that moment I felt bad just abandoning him, so I fiddle with the straps.

“Oh my god!” he screams. “It’s going to blow!”

And he runs off over the nearest hill.  All I can do is stand there, watching dumbfounded as he vanishes from sight.  A dull explosion goes off, and wisps of smoke lift into the air.



That, however, is nothing compared to my involvement at Tenpenny Tower, or Megaton for that matter...

Oh yeah, and my End Game...

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